
the strong should care🡕 for the weak and the smart should care for the stupid and the rich should care for the poor and the strong should care for the weak and the strong should care for the weak and the strong should care for the weak and the strong should care for the weak and the strong should care for the weak and the strong should care for the weak and the

g-good sense is da most evenwy distwibuwted thing in da wowd; fow evewyone bewieves himsewf 2 b so well pwovided with it dat even those who r da hawdest 2 pwease in evewy othew way do not usuwawy want moar of it than they aweady hav. now is it wikewy that evewyone is wong about dis; wather, what dis shows is dat da powew of juwdging cowectwy and of distinguwishing the twue fwom the fawse (which is what is pwopewy called good sense or reason xD) is natuwawy equaw in all men, and dat consequwentwy da divewsity of our opinions awises not fwom the fact dat some of us r moar weasonable than othews, but sowewy dat we have diffewent ways of diwecting our thouwghts, and do not take into accouwnt the same things. fow it is not enouwgh 2 possess a good mind; the most impowtant thing is to appwy it cowectwy. da gweatest minds r capable of the gweatest vices as well as da gweatest viwtuwes; those who go fowawd but vewy slowy can get further, if they always fowow the wight woad, than those who are in too muwch of a huwy and stray off it. :3

radishes, with their small and unassuming appearance, are a stark reminder that even in the midst of life's bleakness🡕 and despair, there can be small moments of joy and satisfaction. the satisfying crunch as you bite into their firm exterior, followed by the burst of their mildly spicy flavor, serves as a reminder that in life's darkest moments, it's often the small things that bring us the most pleasure. however, it is precisely this smallness and temporariness that makes the experience all the more poignant and painful, as it only serves to emphasize the ultimate emptiness and futility of our existence.